Flowers that smell like summer

I really enjoy gardening.  I’m not especially good at it, but it’s fun anyway.  

Some of the things that have successfully lived here are cacti.  We live in a place where some cacti will grow outdoors and be happy all year; those aren’t the ones that I love best, with the exception of the prickly pear cactus.

There are three cacti in our “dining room” window (the house has one big room on the ground floor).  One of them is a crown of thorns that Dad Goth and I have had since we were married.  One is a euphorbia that survived having its buddy ripped out from its saucer home.  And one is a night-blooming cereus.

ImageThe night-blooming cereus started life as a couple of starts sent to me by a knitting friend in New Mexico.  Now it’s…5 years old?  Maybe 6?  I do know it didn’t start blooming at all for its first two years.  Then it started…

First there was one flower.  The flowers are incredibly beautiful; brilliant white with the most incredible scent.  There are a lot of descriptors I have for it.  But for a family blog…summer will do very nicely.  I think it would go well with night-scented jasmine if that’s any help.

Last year, there were two rounds of blossoms.  Each one had just one bud that survived, and just one bloom.

This year, there was the first flower that bloomed, lived and died Sunday evening.  Last night there were some more:

Never had two blossoms at the same time before.

It looks like there will be another one tonight, but we’ll see. It’s been nice to wake up to the whole house smelling like, um, summer.

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